Bowling for Kidscause

Bowling for Kidscause

Bowl-a-Thon + Silent Auction

It's that time of year again- Windermere Mount Baker is raising money for the Windermere Foundation. All monies raised will go directly into the South Seattle neighborhoods to benefit kid and family programs.

This year we are holding a Bowl-a-Thon at Imperial Lanes (2101 22nd Ave S. Seattle, WA) on October 23rd from 4-7pm. Come on down for a game of bowling and swing by our silent auction to check out fabulous items you JUST HAVE TO HAVE! You'll have a fantastic time and help your community at the same time.

$20 per adult, and $3 for kids (bumper lanes will be available)- Make it a family affair!

Columbia City Night Out

Windermere Mount Baker and Columbia City merchants are getting together to raise funds for Southeast Seattle kids and families!
On Wednesday, June 24 from 5pm to 9pm, follow the Windermere Open House signs to Columbia City! Participating merchants have agreed to donate a portion of the evening's proceeds to The Windermere Foundation, with the funds earmarked for use in our Southeast Seattle neighborhoods. There will also be a SILENT AUCTION at the Columbia City Theater, with live music.
So, come out and eat, drink, shop... and give to your community at the same time!

If you're unable to attend that night there are a couple of other ways you can help your neighbors:
1) Donate Online. Click on the Twitter or PayPal links to the right for a quick and easy donation.
2) Donate to our SILENT AUCTION. For a procurement form, contact your Windermere Mount Baker associate, or click here to email Windermere Mount Baker, or call 206 725-7255.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Live Music at Columbia City Night Out

There will be LIVE MUSIC at two venues at Columbia City Night Out.

We're fortunate to have jazz sensation Mercedes Nicole performing with her trio at Kallallo Restaurant (3829 S. Ferdinand).

Complementing the Silent Auction at Columbia City Theater (4916 Rainier Ave S) will be the laid back country-rock sound of Freddie Mac and the Bad Assets.